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Mathews County, Virginia – the Pearl of the Chesapeake

This article was written by me, Karin Andrews, for the House and Home Magazine. It has since been copied in excerpts and used by others, however I am the originator of the article – printed with permission by the ever fabulous House and Home Magazine.

For Information on the New Point Comfort Lighthouse – go to this link @

Screwpile Lighthouses, like the one shown is a watercolor painted by Karin Andrews from US Lighthouse Service Records. The outbanks of North Carolina and the Lower Chesapeake Bay Region had many screwpile lighthouses that were dismantled and taken out of commission in the late 1960’s. The New Point Comfort Light is built of Stone and located on a small island. Please participate in the restoration and preservation of this great sentinel on the Lower Chesapeake Bay Region of Virginia.