Luxury and Estate Market Re-cap

Stay tuned for my re-cap of the Luxury and Estate Market for 2014.  Some predictable news and some surprises.  Will be posting soon.

I had a good year in real estate sales, representing buyers and sellers.  Also had one of the largest non-waterfront estate closings in the entire Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula.

If you wish to receive a copy of my market updates, please contact me at [email protected] or by filling out the attached comment box below.  Your info will be kept confidential.

Wishing you the best of days!

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Wilton – a Priceless Architectural Treasure – Restored and Lived In.

Wilton – A restored and Well Loved Home in the Chesapeake Bay Region of Virginia. Article from the Washington Post.

Wilton is a wonderful treasure that I  have been fortunate to visit at various times and during its recent restoration and “renewal”.   There are few homes to rival the simple beauty, purity of design and the authenticity of Wilton – so beautifully sited and restored – without ruining the intent of the original builders.  Last Summer, I was invited to come see Wilton and was given permission by the owner – Stephen Foster to take photos.  He was so gracious.

Chuck Rackley and his crew- who undertook the actual restoration work under the direction of others and I have had occasion to work together on  the care of Ben Lomond – Circa 1730 – in Essex County, which is currently under contract to close in October.

The article in the Washington Post (click link) is absolutely wonderful and worthy of sharing.  I hope it will inspire you to preserve our historic icons for future generations.


Have you considered the benefits of a Non-Waterfront Estate or Property?

With flood insurance on the rise and insurers in general tip toeing away from insuring estate and waterfront homes located in Tidal Areas, why not consider purchasing a non waterfront property or perhaps water access.  If a waterfront home is a MUST for you, then consider properties with great elevation and a commanding presence – out of the way of rising waters!

The benefits of non-waterfront real estate!

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Experience, Diligence, Results