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Virginia’s Colonial Capital
A Typical Vigniette
The Governors Palace
Garden Urn
Caroline involved in the gunsmith’s shop
Spring Lambs
Statement Garden
Caroline in the Allee.
One of the most beautiful garden’s in the world at the World’s largest Living History Museum!
My listing Carousel – offered at $3,995,000 was selected by Luxury Portfolio International for inclusion in their fabulous WSJ property Ads – for the July 11, 2014 Issue. Make sure to check it out and pass it on to your friends looking to buy a waterfront estate property without equal on deep protected water. My best to you all!
Wishing you all a wonderful fourth of July – may we remember genius of our founding father’s, how much they risked for the idea of a nation built on freedom. May we be vigilant to protect it and not take it for granted.